Laboratory of clinical immunology and allergology (LCIA)

Head of Laboratory of clinical immunology and allergology  

Sc.D. in Medicine, Prof. Tatyana I. Kolyada

List of LCIA staff:

Makienko N.V. - Senior Researcher, M.D., Ph.D.

Sklyar A.I. - Senior Researcher, M.D., Ph.D.

Vdovichenko N. I. – Researcher

Tupotilov O.V. – Junior Researcher

List of scientific publications:

  1. Kuchma I.U., Ovcharenko S.V., Pochueva T.V., Kolyada O.N., Yampolskya K.E. Features immunologic indicatirs of chronic tonsillitis associated with Epstein-Barr virus in adults. Annals of Mechnikov Institute. N 3. 2014:50-55. URL:
  2. Kolyada T.²., Vdov³chenko N.²., Tupot³lov Î.V., Kolyada O.Ì. Characteristics of systemic and local immunity in patients with chronic tonsillitis.Annals of Mechnikov Institute. N 3, 2014: 45-49. URL:   
  3. Kolyada T.²., Tupot³lov Î.V., Vdov³chenko N.²., LitvinenkoO.Y. The use of preparations based on bacterial lysates in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Annals of Mechnikov Institute. N4. 2014: 73-77. URL:    
  4. Vdovichenko N.I., Tupotilov O.V., Boyko A.A., Kolyada O.M. Ñorrection of humoral immunity dysfunctions in patients with chronic tonsillitis and diabetes mellitus. Annals of Mechnikov Institute.2, 2015: 215-219. URL:    
  5. Makarevich V.A., Kolyada T.I. Tupotilov O.V., Kolyada Î.Ì. ²mmune disorders and their correction in patients with herpes infection of the oropharynx.Annals of Mechnikov Institute, N 4, 2015: 46-53. URL:
  6. Makarevich V. A., Kolyada T. I., Tupotilov O. V., Kolyada Î. Ì. ²mmune reactivity disorders and their correction in patients with herpesviral stomatitis. Bulletin of problems biology and medicine / Issue 4. Part 2 (125), 2015: 196-201.
  7. Makarevich V.A., Kolyada T.I. Íerpetic vaccine modulating effect on the regulation of lymphocyte cytotoxic potential of peripheral blood monocytes. Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal)  ¹ 2. 2015: 102-106.
  8. Makarevich V.A. The functional characteristics of peripheral blood monocytes in patients with recurrent herpes simplex infection .News of Science and Education. ¹ 14 (38). 2015: 20-25.
  9. Kolyada T.I., Makarevich V.A. Role of monocyte fraction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the regulation of lymphocyte cytotoxic potential in herpetic infection. Kursk Scientific and Practical Bulletin "Man and His Health" ¹ 4. 2015:  47-50.
  10. Kolyada T.I., Zelenskaya A.D., Tupotilov O.V. Ñurrent approaches for research of multiple sclerosis biomarkers.Annals of Mechnikov Institute. ¹ 4. 2016: 27–33. URL:
  11. Pat. 113284, UA, IPC (2006.01) A61K 39/02 Method of treatment for patients with chronictonsillitis combined with atopic dermatitis / Kolyada T.I., Tupotilov O.V., Zelenskaya A.D. (UA), [et al.]; applicant and patent holder SI «IMI NAMS» (UA). - ¹ u 201606655; àppl. 17.06.2016; ðubl. 25.01.2017. Bulletin No 2.
  12. Pat. 113498, UA, IPC (2006.01) G01N 33/53, A61K 39/02 Method of choosing the tactics of treatment for patients with chronic tonsillitis in combination with atopic dermatitis / Kolyada T.I., Tupotilov O.V., Zelenskaya A.D. (UA), [et al.]; applicant and patent holder SI «IMI NAMS» (UA). - ¹ u 201608731; àppl. 11.08.2016; ðubl. 25.01.2017. Bulletin No 2.
  13. Kolyada T. ²., Negreba T. V., Tupotilov O. V., Bilozorov O. P., Zelenska A. D., Kolyada O. M., Shvydka O. V., Belyavtseva O. I. Disease-associated HLA-DR polymorphism, clinical and immunological characteristics of multiple sclerosis patients in the northeastern region of Ukraine.  Annals of Mechnikov Institute. 2017. ¹ 4. P. 21–25. URL: (accessed 4 January 2018).
  14. Zelenska A. D., Tupotilov O. V., Kolyada T. I. The role of Epstein-Barr virus and human endogenous retroviruses in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Annals of Mechnikov Institute.  ¹ 1. 2018: 32-37. URL:
  15. Tupotilov O. V., Kolyada T. I. Ñytokinogenesis by TLR-induced activation of peripheral blood monocytes in patients with multiple sclerosis Bulletin of problems biology and medicine / Issue 3 (145), 2018: 181-187